Adding to the Index

Packages are specified by creating a JSON file in the index repository with the name of the package.

Below is an example JSON file with comments added for explanatory purposes. Comments should not be included in any submissions.

NOTE: Zulu uses a very simple JSON parser, which has one big limitation, in that nested objects or arrays within the JSON object must not contain any newlines. Follow the formatting below and you should be fine.

  "name": "my-awesome-package",
  "description": "A short description of the package",
  "author": "Your Name <>",
  "repository": "",

  // (optional) Can be one of 'script', 'plugin' or 'theme'
  // Themes will be enabled immediately after they are installed
  "type": "script",

  // (optional) A list of packages this package depends on, and which
  // will be installed at the same time
  "dependencies": ["a-package", "another-package"],

  // (optional) An object containing files in the repository, and the name
  // of a symlink that will be created and placed in $PATH
  "bin": {"path/to/executable": "command-name"},

  // (optional) An object containing files in the repository, and the name
  // of a symlink that will be created and placed in $fpath
  "share": {"path/to/script": "module-name"},

  // (optional) An object containing files in the repository, and the name
  // of a symlink that will be created and sourced on shell startup
  "init": {"path/to/script": "script-name"}

  // The bin, share and init keys may contain glob paths, which will create
  // multiple links in the relevant directory automatically
  "share": {"src/*": ""}